Water Conditioners

Water is the major cause of stone related problems, and hard water deposits being the # 1 offender in showers and on stone and tile water features…fountains, spas, swimming pools, etc.
Deposits or scale are caused by the slow separation of mineral particles from the water. The particles separate into adhesive masses which collect and pack in the form of hard or soft deposits or scale.

Hard water deposits can be very difficult to remove because the acidic chemicals that will dissolve these deposits also attack acid sensitive stones, creating further problems and if the deposits are allowed to buildup the only option is to have them removed by a professional stone care company.


The municipal water that is supplied to us is basically “electron” deficient and not in optimum equilibrium due partly to the processing it receives. Most water now needs to be treated or conditioned by the homeowner, commercial or industry users.
The CareFree Water Conditioner is as the name suggests, a “water conditioner”, not a conventional water softener (salt & resin ion exchange) nor a filter. It is a device that improves the physical condition of water by reestablishing the its electron equilibrium in a natural process that effectively simulates the scrubbing action that happens to fresh water as it runs down hill over clean rocks in mountain streams.
As each drop of water passes through the CareFree Conditioner it is agitated and scrubbed by the specially designed core, cast of precious and semi-precious metals. The turbulence of water flowing through this non-ferrous core element strips away adhesive compounds clinging to the minerals and causes the molecular structure of the water to be rearranged, while natural minerals are retained.
Because of the dipolar nature of all formed metals the CareFree Water Conditioner also provides electrons to the water in a catalytic manner to reduce its electron deficiencies. The CareFree process of conditioning water uses three electromechanical scientific principles : expitaxial nucleation, controlled oxidation and reduction, and harmonics.


VENTURI EFFECT                    

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                                               WATER ENTERS                 TRANSITIONAL STATE                  WATER EXITS

Adhesive compounds              Raw hard water to highly              Reduced particle size.
surround mineral particle.          conditioned wetter water.        Mineral particles free of adhesives.
By  the use of these well established principles of fluid mechanics, the CareFree conditioner mechanically eliminates the cohesion between the mineral particles in the water, effectively neutralizing all the minerals in the water and prevents them from adhering to surfaces without the use of chemicals and it  is environmentally safe.


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A drop of very hard water with mineral chaining before conditioning by CareFree.

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Same water after conditioning by CareFree. Note lack of mineral chaining, represented by  smooth edging, single nuclei, small and large platelets. This is “wetter” water with the benefits  of very good conditioning


 UNIQUE                PROVEN           SALT & CHEMICAL FREE

Water treatment using metallic catalysts have been used successfully since the early 1950’s. The CareFree Water Conditioner has been in use for the past 18 years and sold internationally in over 80 countries.



Self contained. Does not need salt or chemicalsThe use of conventional water softeners that use salt or zeolite resin ion exchange can cause salt decay in stone. These two processes replace the calcium and magnesium in the water with sodium. Salts are detrimental to stone. Inhibits mineral deposit buildups, in showers and other water features; scale and corrosion formation in the plumbing systems, water heaters, solar heating and appliances, extending their service life.Dissolves existing scale and corrosion formations.    

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Plants and gardens flourish with less fertilizers and water.
These are just a few of the benefits for residential applications. There are many more benefits for  COMMERCIALINDUSTRIALINSTITUTIONAL & AGRICULTURAL applications.

The CareFree Conditioners undergo three special treatments which lock them in at peak efficiency for most all waters for a lifetime. Every conditioner conforms to : ASTM B-584 and ANSI B-015.16 78 standards. Class 125-20/+150 200 PSIG. CareFree Conditioners conform to the Federal and EPA Standards for drinking water whereby there is no hazardous waste for toxicity resulting from potable water going through these units.

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CareFree Water Conditioners are available in sizes from 1/4″ to 12″ diameter to accommodate most applications.